It is her visualization of sound in shape and embodiment of tone in hue. A scene in Max Wants a Divorce featuring Don Meyers arrangement of Scott Joplins Maple Leaf Rag. Her approach is highly unusual too: her canvases are based not on the sound or performance of music but on musical scores.”Īlthough primarily a painter, Banks editioned this artists’ book transferring her understanding of Scott Joplin’s notation into color and pattern. Something Doing, QRS197 Connorized 10278.

Listen Now Browse Radio Search Open in Music. Stream songs including 'The Entertainer', 'Maple Leaf Rag' and more. Listen to Pineapple Rag by Scott Joplin on Apple Music. Other articles where Maple Leaf Rag is discussed: Scott Joplin: rags for piano, including Maple Leaf Rag and The Entertainer, published from 1899 through 1909, and his opera, Treemonisha, published at his own expense in 1911. Published in 1899 » MIDI Swipesy - Cakewalk. In his essay, “ Ellen Banks: The Geometries of the Score,” Graham Lock notes that she “paints nothing but music-not as heard but taken directly from the score and transformed, via a system of personal symbolism, into colors and shapes: ‘Music is my still life, my landscape, my nude.’ Banks is unique … in taking music as the sole subject of her art. Series: Educational Piano Library Format: Softcover Composer: Scott Joplin Arranger: Fred Kern Piano Level: Intermediate. Piano Rolls, Played by Scott Joplin Maple Leaf Rag, Connorized 10265. Listen to Pineapple Rag by Scott Joplin on Apple Music. 88 notes roll recording, piano: Scott Joplin » MIDI Old miss rag (1916) 88 notes roll recording, piano: Scott Joplin » MIDI Pineapple Pine apple rag (1908) 88 notes roll recording, piano: William Bolcomb.

Photo by Kalman Zabarsky for Boston UniversityĪfter seeing her work, no one would be surprised to learn that one of Ellen Banks’ earliest influences was Piet Mondrian.